Welcome to The Shire of Thornwold!
Incorporated in 1978, we are a local chapter of the Society for Creative Anachronism, located in Whatcom County, Washington State, just south of the Canadian Border.
In SCA Terms, that means we are located within the Principality of Tir Righ, which itself is part of the Kingdom of An Tir, South of the Shire of Lionsdale, and North of the Barony of Aquaterra.
For people interested in getting involved, we typically hold business meetings once a month, which are open to all on the second Wednesday of the month at Round Table Pizza on Sunset Drive in Bellingham, with casual meetups starting at 6pm, and meeting at 7. Please be sure to check our Facebook Page, below for details, as there may be changes to time and venue.
We also meet for a social event/combat practice once a week, on Thursdays at 6:30 PM Baker View Christian School. (We are not affiliated with the school, we simply rent space from them). As above, check our Facebook page to ensure that the event is occurring, as our times and venues occasionally change, and during the warmer months, we often opt to use a local park.
We also typically hold at least one major event a year: Sir Edward’s Tournament, named for our founder, Viscount Edward Zifran of Gendy.
This site is under (re)-construction, but in the mean time, many of our events happen over on Facebook:
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